Thursday, January 12, 2012

Walking Dead

Guest post of the week by Brittany Booker

I was so excited that we finally decided to get Dish Network TV because I had really been missing out on a television show that everyone of my friends talk about how much they love all the time. The show is called the “Walking Dead”.

It is tough to check out some shows because of when they come on and my schedule.  It has been through two seasons. I ended up already catching up on the first and already love the show. It is a about a strange zombie virus that has infected the world. Sounds ridiculous, I know, and sounds like something that I would never be interested in watching, but I really like it.

There is just something about shows that have to do with the end of the world that have always been interesting to me.  I also liked that movie “2012” and my favorite end of the world flick was “Apocalypto”. I think that it is a really great movie. I have really enjoyed the show, and now I know what my friends were talking about. I like it so much, that we are going to a costume party next week and I am going to go as a , yes, a zombie!

I am one of those people who can watch a movie more than once. so event though I saw "2012" in the movie theater, I would love to snuggle up on my sofa and watch it all over again.

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